Samsung finally reveals root cause behind the exploding Galaxy Note7

Samsung’s exhaustive research about the cause of the Galaxy Note7 explosions has ended. The South Korean company has determined why the battery of the Note7 exploded, and without wasting any more time, announced that they have created a quality control process with which they promise not to make the same mistake again in the future.

Samsung exposed at a press conference last Sunday (January 22th) all the details about the battery problems that made Galaxy Note7 a time bomb.

According to Samsung’s research, problems were found in two different device manufacturing cases, both with different batteries.

The first case, Samsung describes it as “an electrode deflection and incorrect positioning of the negative electrode tip in the upper right cord of the battery”.

The second case, Samsung exposes it as “an abnormal welding point that lead to an internal short circuit”.

The research carried out large-scale tests of charging and discharging 200,000 devices and 30,000 batteries, being evaluated by 700 engineers covering manufacturing plants in South Korea, China and Vietnam.

As a result of the investigation, Samsung decided to implement new quality control measures for their device batteries, as well as the formation of a battery consulting group, made up of external consultants and research experts in the field. These measures include additional multi-layer security protocols and an 8-point battery safety check to improve product quality: durability tests; visual inspection; X-rays; charge and discharge tests; tests about any filtration of total volatile organic compounds; disassembling tests; accelerated usage tests; voltage variations tests.

You can find all the details of Samsung’s arduous investigation about the Galaxy Note7 on the web page dedicated to the case that the company has posted online since Sunday, January 22.

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