
Corona responds to Donald Trump’s slogan “make america great again” with a stunning commercial

The Mexican beer brand, Corona, flatly responded to the slogan of the EE.UU. president Donald Trump, “make america great again”, with a stunning video from their advertising campaign “Desfronterízate”. The video in which Corona highlights all the values of the American continent has become viral since its launch.

Corona “make america great again?”:

Corona “make america great again?” – English dubbed:

This video is part of Corona’s “Desfronterízate” campaign series, a collection of ads that started a day before the presidential election in the United States.

The narrator finishes the video by affirming that “America has always been great.”

At last, Corona invites all the Americans of the continent to visit their official Facebook page and put the image of the American Shield under the motto “disfronterízate”.

What do you think of Corona’s response to President Donald Trump?

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