12 days of tempting deals on Amazon #12DaysOfDeals
Don’t miss these 12 days of tempting deals on Amazon beginning this Sunday, December 4. You will have this dozen of days to continue with your holiday purchases taking advantage of the top of the deals with 1 day dedicated to a special category at a time. Find the legend of every single day below.
Amazon 12 Days of Deals 2016
- Día 1: Juguetes
- Día 2: Entretenimiento en casa
- Día 3: Cocina
- Día 4: Videojuegos
- Día 5: Belleza y fashion
- Día 6: Herramientas y hogar
- Día 7: Equipaje y accesorios de viaje
- Día 8: Deportes
- Día 9: Electrónicos y dispositivos de Amazon
- Día 10: Arte, cámaras y más
- Día 11: Mascotas
- Día 12: Presentes y regalos
The best thing you can do to be prepared for these 12 Days of Deals is to have available some Gift card balance on your amazon account, so this way you will not waste time entering payment details with credit cards for your purchases.