New Smart Search for FrostWire 5.1.x
The common confusion about how FrostWire 5 search results work will be gone, because now with FrostWire 5.1.x series the way files are found in the BitTorrent network have been improved.
The FrostWire 5.1.x improvements are:
- FW now finds single files that match your searches.
- FW learns as you use it to deliver instant single file search results (under 100ms on average, but you’ll see a lot of search results appearing under 5ms).
La aplicación realiza una Búsqued Inteligente sobre los resultados de torrents más relevantes que vienen desde los motores de búsqueda BitTorrent, lo que quiere decir que FW puede recordar cada archivo contenido en cada torrent que escanea, pudiendo con esto lograr traer lo que el usuario busca súper rápido.
The more you use FrostWire the more it learns about the contents available on the BitTorrent network.
The more you use FrostWire the faster search results will be.
FrostWire creators will be adding tools to export the Smart Search database, and also to import and merge these databases from other computers.
If you want to download de app visit de following link: Download FrostWire 5.1.3