Sony lets know that the official name of the NGP (PSP2) will be PS Vita
Sony lets know among the lines of the source code of PlayStation website for E3 2011 the official name of the successor to the PSP, known under the code name NGP. Apparently, the console will be called PS Vita.
A curious eye from forum was who found the name of PS Vita in certains inactive URLs inside the source code of the PlayStation E3 2011 page. When you open the page you can right click and select “view source” from your browser, to corroborate the following lines with Ctrl-F “vita”:
<li> <a href=”/ps3/index.htm”>PS Vita<span class=”reg”>®</span></a>
<li><a href=”/psvita/features/index.htm”>Features</a></li>
<li><a href=”/psvita/games-and-media/index.htm”>Games & Media</a></li>
The presentation of PS Vita at E3 2011 will be on June 6th.