Tapping Into Kindness: Right-doings
The fifth spot of Tapping Into Kindness, Right-doings, reminds us how important it is to rest and recover after reaching our goals. To alternate rest and activity is a habit that contributes to the health of our nervous system. Besides, it is more realistic to have energy to celebrate and to continue co-creating great things after regaining strength through rest.
On the other hand, this message also reminds us that we were, are and will be much more than our successes and failures. Sometimes we choose to believe we are our actions or our possessions, we may try hard to convince ourselves that we are what we do and what we have. This set of beliefs may limit us during times of change, loss and transition. It is a fact of life that things, people and circumstances come and go. When our satisfaction depends only on things outside of ourselves what inevitable follows is dissatisfaction. It is beneficial to celebrate our successes without attachment and our losses without resentment.
The Tapping Into Kindness teachings are very simple, as simple as the greatest revelations we realize throughout our lives. However, these teachings are not easy to practice, because it is not easy to be mindful of our thoughts, feelings and actions in order to be proactive rather than reactive. To choose growth and transformation is not easy but it is worthy –just like giving birth can be difficult and painful but well worthy. The Tapping Into Kindness campaign does not teach us anything, it reminds us what we already know intuitively, that practicing compassion, unconditional love and kindness we can reach the sky while keeping our feet on the ground.
Combining her experience in the world of moving images and her need to share spiritual tools that can make our lives a worthy adventure, Rev. Sonia Echezuría conceived Tapping Into Kindness, a series of 5 spots that help us remember that, when facing challenging situations, we always have the option of breathing, validating our feelings and choosing a kinder response to share with the world. These on-line doses of kindness are posted on YouTube and you can access them by searching ‘Tapping Into Kindness’ in Google and YouTube or by visiting us en.nolapeles, or soniaechezuria.com.